PostgreSQL vs MySQL Performance 2023 with Difference Review

PostgreSQL vs MySQL performance and also PostgreSQL vs MySQL Difference complete information today we will share with you, You might be looking to know PostqreSQL vs MySQL performance difference or MySQL vs PostgreSQL performance or difference between PostgreSQL database vs MySQL database according to 2015. If yes, then you are landed on right place.

Because today in this article we are completely going to share the detailed guide on this topic. Before getting started first we should need to know what exactly database is,

Well the answer is that database is a well-structured data in the computer that can easily be accessible in various ways or in short we can say that logical modeled storage spaces for all kind of information is called as Databases.

PostgreSQL vs MySQL

What are the different types of databases?

Actually, there are several types of databases which are given below:

  • Analytically Database
  • Relational database
  • Real-time database
  • Operational database
  • Document-oriented database
  • Database warehouse
  • In memory database
  • Distributed database
  • Navigational database
  • Hypermedia database
  • End-user database
  • · Navigational database

PostgreSQL vs MySQL

What is Database Management System?

A program or software that mainly manages a database is known as Database management system (DBMS). They are known by different names such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL server, IBM DB2, Sybase, Oracle etc which mostly helps in storage, organizing or retrieving back of information/data.

Important Relational Databases


Oracle is one of the popular databases which is available in three editions that includes standard, express, and enterprise. It mainly offers database capabilities that mainly runs on Linux, UNIX and Windows Operating Systems.

Special and main features of Oracle includes business intelligence, content management applications, transaction processing.

Best thing is that Oracle 12c helps to provide better protection from failure of the server and encrypts the data for better security and has the ability to manage largest databases as well.

In enterprise version, users can utilize several amazing features such as OLAP, advanced management and security, data warehousing and data mining etc. Other features include advanced compression and also application testing.

It mainly helps to promote database applications through offering starter database that is available for free to download, distribute, develop as well as deploy.

Microsoft SQL server

Microsoft SQL server is another most popular scalable database management program that can be found in four different editions. These editions are mainly Standard,

Enterprise as well as R2 editions (Datacenter and Parallel data warehouse) which are mainly designed for the need of largest scale data centers and warehouses in order to provide better management for organizations databases infrastructure.

Standard edition is mainly offered to small organizations and the best thing is that it can help in saving sixty percent of time spent on backups because of having database compression feature. Two free editions express and compact are also offered for students and software developers with a trial version of SQL 2008.

PostgreSQL vs MySQL performance 2019 with Difference

Most of the new people who are not having enough information about these things are looking to know more, I mean actually they want to know about differences between these two databases in terms of performance. So let’s know more about them:

Well, both of these are Open source database projects. PostgreSQL is allowed to distribute under most permissive terms which are more practical and there are no controlling, single commercial entity and also it is permitted to create a commercial derivates without paying royalties because of project’s license terms.

While on the other hand MySQL is allowed to distributed with more restrictive copyright which allows vendors to either purchase a valid license or open source their application.

MySQL is more focused on web apps that are mostly readable and written in Php while PostgreSQL is more focused in integrated developer-focused; reliability and data integrity based features and has the capability to join the largest number of tables easily.

It is also found that from last few major releases, PostgreSQL is able to improve speed while MySQL is a long way towards adding more advance features and functionalities and also MySQL is more used by people than PostgreSQL.

Final Words on PostgreSQL vs MySQL performance Difference

So this is all about the difference between MySQL and PostgreSQL performance wise according to 2015 with a difference which is shared in detailed.

I hope you found this guide informative and if you have any question regard this post, ask in the comments section below. If you have any more suggestion regards PostgreSQL vs MySQL performance then please tell us, For more keep visit and know more about PostgreSQL vs MySQL performance.

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